~Living life my way, one day at a time~

~I wear my truth like a suit of armour; I will not expose myself in the fig leaves of denial ~

~ ♥ if you only knew what's in my soul.....you'd never feel such doubt ♥ ~

~**~Welcome to My World~**~

Saturday, January 22, 2011


~What does it mean?  Wikipedia describes it as such:     
Solace, from Old French solas, from Latin sōlācium "consolation", meaning comfort or consolation in a time of distress.

~How do you seek solace?

For me, I find that self-induced solitary confinement works best.  I sit and meditate, considering all of the thoughts and feelings that swirl around in my head, listening to that inner-voice that speaks wisdom if we're willing to sit still and quiet enough to hear it.

I sometimes go for long walks and just listen to the sounds of nature, and breath in the fresh air along the shoreline.  I often stop to sit a while on a rock and listen to the waves lapping gently against the pebbles, and feel the warm winds of time softly caressing my cheek, reminding me we're all just individual vessels making our way through this cruel world, one footstep at a time.

At times I love to trek through wooded paths, and smell the pine and mosses, cedar and wildflowers......and listen to the sounds of nature going about life in their own domain.  Every now and again they will let out a little chirp or squeal to let you know you've gotten too close, or to warn others of  your pending arrival.


My favourite view is from the top of a mountain, overlooking the vast miles of water and rocks, trees, and clouds....feeling the sunshine on my face and feeling at one with the universe surrounding me.

Is there anything more glorious than sitting around a campfire at night, listening to the crackling coals while  the heat from the flames warm your skin?  The sound of crickets and loons serenade you as you bask in the golden glow, mesmerized by the dancing flames before you.
Sitting on the shore in the early morning hours, watching the dawning of a new day, can be so cathartic.
I feel very blessed to live in this place, I often refer to as a little slice of Heaven Here On Earth.

My inner-voice reminds me that there's so much life out there, and not to be afraid to endure all the challenges and joy that comes with it.  There's a world of endless opportunities before us......Carpe Diem ~ Seize the Day!

I look forward to a lifetime of tomorrows with anticipation, and will always take time out to pick the daisies.........


  1. Good to know and see that you can find what makes you happy. Amazing pictures and good thoughts.

  2. ~thank you Alex. I do try to find solace in any way possible. At this point my full attentions are on my own spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical health. As I reveal the layers of who I am, it will all become more abundantly clear.

    Love, Peace, & Nimkee-Blessings to you and yours,
