~Living life my way, one day at a time~

~I wear my truth like a suit of armour; I will not expose myself in the fig leaves of denial ~

~ ♥ if you only knew what's in my soul.....you'd never feel such doubt ♥ ~

~**~Welcome to My World~**~

Friday, January 21, 2011

~The Moral Highground~

~It's been a difficult, yet enlightening start to this new year.  I am learning things I never thought possible.  My eyes have been opened, my heart exposed.

It's painful, but also comes with a huge sense of relief knowing it's over.  There is an end to the push and pull, hot and cold, here and gone.  I feel like I've been riding a carousel to nowhere.  Just going 'round and 'round......and when it stops, nobody knows.

I knew what I was doing when I decided to put myself into this.  I held on tight and enjoyed the ride for as long as possible, but it became nauseating and just wasn't fun or fulfilling anymore.  I finally found the strength to pull the STOP lever and let myself off.

I got out of it what I needed, but there isn't anything left to offer to me.  The patience has expired.  The compassion is gone.  The empathy is non-existent at this point, and it makes me sad because all I really wanted and needed was loyal friendship, through thick and thin.......and I returned it ten-fold.

Now it's over.  I see it's time to part ways indefinitely.  I made the choice to pull myself away and let go.

It wasn't easy.

Today I start a new journey on a straight path leading to who knows where----but it's paved with good intentions and endless possibilities.  I am looking forward to this new adventure.

I'm sure there will be a few bumps and curves to maneuver through, but I'm ready, willing, and able.
Maybe one day we will meet at the cross roads.  We both have healing and growth to do on our own.  We awakened things in each other----lots of it good, some of it painful----but let's be grateful for the time while it lasted.

Hold onto the memories.  Remember the joy----the day trips we took to far off places.......the beaches we explored.......the new foods that we tried......the trails that we hiked......the park we got locked in at night.......the love, the passion, and the tears that we shared.  I shall treasure this always, and can look back on the photos and smile.  I hope one day that you can too.
Providence Bay
Prov Bay at sunset
Niagara in November

Happy Canada Day EH!

Science North
The bed of nails
A day in the sun at our camp in Wiky
Niagara with the wee lads
Hypnotizing Fred to make him stand on his head
Thanks for the awesome dinner!  Fred was deeelish!
Really......need I say more?
Thank you for saving us!

Our paths may cross again and when it does I hope the animosity has subsided.

I can't give what I don't have to give.  I am finishing this trek of the journey alone.

I need to find my way.

I feel much gratitude and love for you and greatly appreciate all that you have given to me to get me through the worst of the grief and heartache.  I can't and won't deny that you helped get me to this point.

You are an awesome person, and I feel honoured to have had the pleasure of your friendship and comfort through everything.

Thank you for remembering Bennett's birth & angel days---and for spending them with me.

Thank you for remembering the significance of Good Friday, and for reaching out when you knew I needed it the most.

Thank you for attending the visits to Sick Kids, for you knew it wouldn't be easy for me.

Thank you for all of the tears you have dried while I leaned on your shoulder.

Thank you for listening to all my stories........no matter how sad.

Thanks for laughing at my silly jokes and making me smile again when I thought I had lost my joy forever.

Thank you for everything.

I wish you peace and love my friend.  You will forever own a piece of my heart.  Gzaagin xxoo

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