~Living life my way, one day at a time~

~I wear my truth like a suit of armour; I will not expose myself in the fig leaves of denial ~

~ ♥ if you only knew what's in my soul.....you'd never feel such doubt ♥ ~

~**~Welcome to My World~**~


 ~Sometimes I ask myself "Why do I even bother?", and then I look at my reflection in the mirror and I remember "it's because I'm worth it." -- December 10th, 2010
~ as I give up the struggles and surrender to the process, don't try to understand---just ACCEPT me UNCONDITIONALLY the way that I need to be----as I accept you ~ Please, have patience......and remember that you didn't get where you are all alone.

~Fear impedes comfort and the ability to understand and accept; Lay fear aside and risk the possibility of discomfort, for only then can true emotional growth and healing occur ~ Make the choice to accept that which we don't understand; the positive feelings shall follow ~ Push through the awkwardness, expand your boundaries, & trust in me ~ the best is yet to be ♥
~UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE of the people that we may not understand, is the key to my INNER-PEACE & transcendence toward experiencing bliss & contentment ♥ Gchi-miigwech to my Creator for these true & wondrous gifts ♥ 
~I've learned to love my haters; they need it more than I do.  

~Love forgives all things---and when we can let go of the negative emotions we relinquish their hold and control over us. Insecurity and fear breeds hate---which I do not possess within me.
~"Brrrrrr.....It's cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey!" -- Dec. 9th, 2010

~to me.....love is worth the risk of getting hurt. It's those that fear it to the point of never allowing themselves to experience it that I pity. Yes, it hurts at times----but without experiencing the lows we can't fully appreciate the highs. I just want J to know he still owns my heart, no matter what others might have to say about that. I'm not ashamed of how I feel----I'll scream it to the world if I have to ♥
~I encourage your introspective silence-----use it to seek the truth that you already know exists deep within you~ I'll be here........... 

~"Go piss up a slack rope and suck the wet end."
~"My 2 cents. Part of Child Abuse Awareness is that parents need to take responsibility for what content their children access on the internet. Facebook is not for children".
~Haste makes waste! DIY and save $ and less garbage. Mother Earth will love you ♥
~This holiday season, while you share time with your family around a big meal, remember those less fortunate, especially the CHILDREN. Consider making a donation with your own children so they can grow up learning to have compassion, empathy, and generosity to make a difference ♥ ♥ ♥

~Off for a night of shenanigans and hooliganism :OP
~I'm off to see the Wizard---what quest am I on today? I already have the heart, and the courage. Hmmmmm.......I'd really love a pair of nice red shoes!  The Wizard checked my brain and he thinks it's ok too....LOL. So yes, all I need is a pair of nice, sparkly, red shoes w 3" heels and non-skid soles :O)   

~It's only impossible if you give up trying to succeed.
~Can't we all just find ways to help each other through our problems, rather than run around creating new ones??
♥ "Self-awareness is my key to freedom" ♥
~ ♥ ~ unsolicited opinions 'need not apply' ~ I live my life my way ~ I don't interfere with your life, please-----stay out of mine ~ ♥ ~
♫♪♪♫ to hell with you and all your friends.....♫♪♪♫

~anything for you......even if that includes cheering for the Leafs ♥

~oh the things we thought we knew were true.........
~People who love to cause problems, love what they do---so why give them the power to do it? We teach people how to treat us through the ability to control our emotions. That is exactly the power-trip they strive for! Real friends contribute to your happiness and accept the people that you choose to make you happy. Why does anyone need a friend that rejects you for your choices? Just a little food for thought...

~this life is like a train wreck......you dread looking, but you just can't help but be curious about what's going to happen next~