~Living life my way, one day at a time~

~I wear my truth like a suit of armour; I will not expose myself in the fig leaves of denial ~

~ ♥ if you only knew what's in my soul.....you'd never feel such doubt ♥ ~

~**~Welcome to My World~**~

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mean People Suck

~Mean people are everywhere.  We all know people that for some unknown reason will gratify themselves by lashing out at others, and find great satisfaction in being as vile as they possibly can----most likely for shock value and attention.

A few days ago I wrote a post about each person's ~INHERIT RIGHT TO LIFE~, and made reference to my own experience with my deceased 8 day old newborn son.  Imagine my surprise to log into my email the following day to find some comments written that clearly were meant for me, as a personal attack---but what this person probably didn't consider is that there are other grieving mothers, fathers, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, family friends----that all have their own form of grief over the loss of their own loved ones. It is very harsh and cruel to so bluntly just come right out and say to someone:  "get over it".

I mean really......would you stand in the centre of a bereavment group meeting and tell everyone that "there are more important things to worry about on this planet" than dead babies??

These words did not harm me in any way whatsoever, because I fully expect that there will be some heartless prick somewhere in the world that gets their cheap jollies by being judgmental and spiteful for whatever reason.  I know that by writing publicly I am possibly inducing discomfort in an individual's life, triggering their desire to lash out and be nasty.

You personally may not care about my life, and you may laugh at me and think that I'm a joke, but at the start and end of each day it's your own face that you have to look at and I'm guessing that brings you more discomfort than anything I could ever write here.  I will assume that it's safe to say that you have very little joy in your life, for if you did, you wouldn't bother spending a moment of your life reading what I write, and feel compelled to anonymously leave your snide comments.

We all have a public persona that exudes from us whenever we choose to walk out of our homes and enter into society.  The internet is just another platform for freedom of expression, and while I could have chosen to write anonymously, I have the courage and the strength to use my real identity, and I possess the ability to persevere despite how you, or others, may perceive me.

I stand behind my words, and I don't care what anyone says to me, or about me.  We are all entitled to our opinions, and I fully respect each individual's right to express what they think, feel, or believe---even if I don't agree with their viewpoint.

We were born with the gift of free-will.  I suggest that you use yours wisely.

I don't feel the need to anonymously attack someone for choosing to express their point of view in whichever format they choose, especially if it concerns something as sacred as death of a much loved and wanted newborn, or child.

I choose not to hate the hater.  Rather, I feel pity for someone that has such a shallow take on life, and doesn't possess the ability to feel empathy or compassion for another person's pain.

It's easy to kick someone when they strike a nerve----but it takes great strength of character to turn and walk away with grace and dignity. 

What must it feel like to live in this person's skin??  What makes a person that bitter?

I will never understand, and I accept that no matter where we go, there will always be internally ugly people in our midst.

The next time you feel the need to be hateful and mean, consider that I'm not the only person that will read it.  You just may harm some innocent person that will take personal offense to your statements.  Attack me if you will, but leave others out of it.  Grief is a difficult thing to overcome, and your words can truly hurt those that I assume you do not have a personal vendetta against.

Please, show some respect.  One day someone you love will die, and you won't want someone to be so heartless to you.  What goes around, comes around.

It's easy to hide behind a curtain and spew your hatred, like a coward.  You can insinuate that I'm a fraud all you want.  You can slander me if you wish----it's your right----your freedom of speech.  Go to it.

Consider this your 5 minutes of fame.

"I've learned to love my haters.  You need it more than I do."


  1. Oh dear. I'm so sorry to hear this. It made me feel sick to my stomach thinking that someone would do something like that. Clearly, someone has nothing better to do with their time. To make someone feel awful is a despicable thing to do. Sorry :( So glad to hear that you handle things well though. You have such strength. XOXOXO

  2. ~thanks C. The only thing that made me feel sick about it was the fact that other grieving families may read such vile words and be emotionally harmed by this cowardly bully's words.

    I have surpassed many trials in life, and this is barely more than a grain of sand to me.

    The only thing that truly matters to me is everyone's comfort. I pray for world peace, and strive to achieve it as much as possible in my own life.

    I will not fight back, nor will I be intimidated by someone else's words or opinions for I take it at face value and recognize that it's their own inner weakness spilling out to compensate for the lack of inner-strength within themselves.

    Good shall always overcome Evil.

    It's all in your personal perspective of things. Mind over matter.

    Hugs & Nimkee Blessings,

  3. I've just signed on to follow your blog, it looks very good and well worth my while. I've a blog too, if you would be interested, called Faith and Science Resolution. I just started it in September.
