~Living life my way, one day at a time~

~I wear my truth like a suit of armour; I will not expose myself in the fig leaves of denial ~

~ ♥ if you only knew what's in my soul.....you'd never feel such doubt ♥ ~

~**~Welcome to My World~**~

Thursday, March 17, 2011

~Happy St. Patrick's Day~

We never know our plight in this world, but if I should pass before we next speak, 
Please remember these words. 

Spill a few tears, share a few of your favourite memories of me, and please---
Raise a glass for me to celebrate my life.
The day I return to the Spirit World will be a joyous day,
as I will be reunited with my sweet boys Noah and Bennett-Chadlen! 

May you always remember my smile, laughter, and zest for life.

Remember to always take the high-road, and never go to bed angry.
Allow everyone you love to know where they stand in your life, and always part ways with a hug.

Squeeze every ounce of joy out of each day, and remember to always learn from your mistakes.
There is no such thing as failure as long as you've tried your best.
Allow yourself some spontaneous adventures, and try travelling without a map or itinerary--it's fun!

Don't waste time on people that don't see you as valuable in their own lives.
We are all a blessing to someone.
The amazing someone that is out there for you may pass you by if you're not available--
Take risks.  
Learn to be alone and rejoice in your independence.

Forgive everyone and don't allow them to own your mind.
Let go peacefully, and move on.....don't hold a grudge. 
As long as you're focusing on the anger, that person is in charge of your mind.
Be strong, and don't allow it. 
Sometimes it takes a long time to work through it, but just do it.
Be happy with who you are, and love yourself more than you love anyone else, even your children.  Believe me, they will thank you for it!
Happy people are the most awesome people to be around!

Dance in the rain......I love it and highly recommend it!

Learn to skip rocks and do it whenever you need some time to think and muddle through things.
Seek solace in silence by the water.....rejoice in the serenity and beauty around you always.

Breathe deeply....
...and be aware of your breath slowly leaving your body---washing away the stress.....

Compile your favourite songs, no matter how crappy someone else might think they are~
Play it loud.....and SING!  LA LA LA LAAAAAAAAAAAA....

Talk to your pets....they will always love you unconditionally.
Treat them like a member of your family.
If you don't want to be left outside alone to sleep in the rain, cold snow, and darkness, 
then don't do it to your pet.
They didn't ask to be born and used for a pooping lawn ornament.

Plant flowers and surround yourself with beauty.
Splurge on your favourite foods and fragrances....you will never regret it!

Do not live beyond your means.....on credit.
Sometimes we need to borrow money, but always make sure you can pay it back.
Things we can't afford don't make us happy.
The calls from the creditors aren't worth it....so just pay your debts and be smart.

Stay away from toxic people......even if they're family.
Love yourself enough to surround yourself by those that accept you for who you are, 
and never pass judgement on you.
Always remember that we teach people how to treat us.  If we allow it they just might step all over you or feel it's acceptable to ignore you because you choose to be happy.

Always ask questions before jumping to conclusions.
Take time to consider how you might feel in a certain situation, 
and show compassion----even if you don't understand.  
It shows strength of character and it's a very admiral trait.

Always choose your career path carefully.  
Work at something you love doing, something that will nourish your soul.
Why waste precious seconds of your life being miserable, even if it pays the bills?

Always choose happiness over money, because money does not buy happiness.
Live your life for you.  
Those that are worthy of your affections will love you for it and want to join in on the fun!

Never pass up a celebration with awesome people.  Whoop it up while you can!

Eat cake.  Drink responsibly.  Laugh often.

Allow yourself to experience every emotion that you feel without worrying someone will think you are crazy.  
We're all a little crazy, and I'm not afraid to admit it.
Feelings are okay, choosing to act out on those feelings isn't always advisable---
so choose  your actions wisely!
Climb a mountain and scream as loud as you need to.  
It'll be okay.  
Just do it.  
Then go to the lake and skip rocks.
Curse if you want to, but never in public.  (That's just rude.)

Accept everyone equally.....man, woman, child....we all deserve respect and kindness.

Be alone for several months of your adult life.....even a year if you can!
There is nothing wrong with being a single individual.
The best relationships in life revolve around self-preservation and self love.
Go somewhere alone as often as possible.
Walk your dog, or just ramble through the woods, or walk along an empty shoreline.  
Sit on a park bench and feed the birds.  
Just do it alone, in silence.  Allow the thoughts, feelings, and tears....

Trust me, you owe yourself some silent time without anyone else around.
Once you become comfortable with this, you will be an awesome partner for someone and they will thank you for taking this advice.
Seek yourself out.  
Find yourself.  
Reach deep down inside yourself and find out what your soul is telling you......and embrace it.

Most importantly, don't ever change who you are deep down inside.

Don't fall in love with someone that doesn't have any desire to love themselves.  
They will only hurt you and cause you heartache.  
Love them from a safe distance and wish them well.
If they have potential and want to learn, then teach them and set them free......
If they really want to change, they will do it, and come back to you.
You will reap the benefits of your generous nature, and you will both be happier.

Always enter into a relationship as a WHOLE PERSON.
2 halves making one may sound romantic, but it's just stupid.
Would you want to build your house on a frame made out of broken bricks?  Not me!

Build a relationship out of 2 WHOLE PEOPLE that aren't afraid to be individuals.
Trust is very important.
Someone that loves and respects you will always support you no matter what anyone else thinks.
Set the bar high and don't settle for less than what you truly want.

Be the best, most amazing parent that you could ever dream of having for yourself.  
Your children deserve it.
Love them enough to discipline them and teach them how to behave in public.
Manners and self-control are very important.
If it's not allowed at school or in a public social setting, then don't allow it at home!
People will love your children and like having you around.
If your kids are maniacs that yell, scream, and whine----
then trust me---
no one likes them and you should go home and stay there until you AND your kids can learn how to behave and respect the general public.

To my darling boys-----remember the golden rule.
Family is number one.
Love each other and always be kind, because in the end that's all that matters.
Family was here first, and family should be there til the end.

Brendan, Tristan, Mason, & Tanner-----
always remember how our home was never empty.
Share what you have with others in need....

Remember our prayer~
Thank-you God for giving us this beautiful day,
Thank-you for our health and for each other.
Thank-you for giving us Bennett-Chadlen.
 and thank-you for his family too.
We pray for everybody, everywhere, 
because everybody has their needs.
Please continue to give us strength and courage to face each day as it comes,
and allow us to always be grateful for every blessing that we have in our lives.  Amen.

Continue to make me proud, and know I'm always just a whisper away.
Speak my name into the wind and I'll be there.....always.......
I love you more than words can say.....

There are no good-byes......until we meet again
Baamaapii Gawaabmin

One last request~

Grow daisies in my memory, and remember me in every sunset......
Now raise  your glass.....and CHEERS!
Remembered Joy  
Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free!
I follow the plan God laid for me.
I saw His face, I heard His call,
I took His hand and left it all...
I could not stay another day,
To love, to laugh, to work or play;
Tasks left undone must stay that way.
And if my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joy.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss...
Ah yes, these things I, too, shall miss.
My life's been full, I've savoured much:
Good times, good friends, a loved-one's touch.
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief—
Don't shorten yours with undue grief.
Be not burdened with tears of sorrow,
Enjoy the sunshine of the morrow.

We receive so many messages in this life to be better, achieve more.....but I don't buy into it, and you shouldn't either.  You are perfect to me, just the way you are.
Here's to you all xxoo

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